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Chinese translation for "place the order"


Related Translations:
place to place:  处处
birth place:  出生地,故乡;发祥地,发源地。
religious places:  宗教场所
equivalent place:  等价位
two place:  二位的
placing bond:  无担保债券
trysting place:  约会处
quieter place:  防音装置
other places:  其它地区
third place:  季军
Example Sentences:
1.Indicating which customer placed the order
2.I need your answer today . customer wants to place the order
3.When the customer is finished selecting media , he places the order
4.If your prices are faorable , i can place the order right away
5.If your prices are favorable , i can place the order right away
6.Br > if your prices are favorable , i can place the order right away
7.To avoid placing duplicate trade , do not attempt to place the order again
8.How soon would i receive the products after i place the order
9.I will place the order and you can deliver to our local company in china
10.Add a computed readers field that lists the user that places the order
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